Atrophaneura semperi


Basic Information

General information

Family: Papilionidae
Sub Family: Papilioninae
Estimated Lifespan 14 Days

Garden Specific Information

Estimated Number In Flight: 0
Total Number of Pupae Received: 165
First Flown On: 12/03/02
Last Flown On: 03/16/18

Species Range:

  • Asia

Host plants:

  • The larvae feed on plants in the genus Aristolochia.

Food Source

Adults are known to feed from a variety of nectar plants with Lantana being one of their favorites.

Etymology Of Name

The origin of the genus Atrophaneura is currently unknown. The word semper is Latin for always.


The Batwing can be observed in open plains visiting nectar plants and flying throughout forested areas.

Life history

Males are typically smaller than the females. After a male finds a receptive female the two mate. The female searches out suitable host plants on which to lay her eggs. After the eggs hatch the larvae feed on the plants until they form their pupa.


The flight period for wild populations was unavailable.

Fun Facts

Due to the host plants that the Batwings eat as larvae the adults are distasteful to predators. To advertise their distastefulness, Batwings exhibit warning colors such as their red bodies. It is believed that other species of butterflies, such as the Scarlet Mormon (Papilio rumazovia), are mimics.